陳俊濠 . 會長,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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陳俊濠 . 會長

陳俊濠 . 會長

Jimmy Chan F.R.P.S


七十年代在邵氏當演員,受到何藩導演的啟發,對攝影產生濃厚興趣。1984年跟隨麥 柱發老師研習攝影,兩年後加入香港小型機攝影會,並於2002-06年擔任該會會長。

作品風格寫實,喜歡運用廣角鏡捕捉大自然及農村面貌。1988年考獲英國皇家攝影學 會院士銜,同年開設婚紗攝影公司,擔任攝影師。此外亦曾擔任香港芭蕾舞團攝影師 及多個社區中心攝影會顧問。現任元朗大會堂長青攝影社顧問,香港彩藝會舉辦的國 際幻燈沙龍評判,以及屯門文藝協進會執行委員。


無論是拍攝室內景物或室外風光,我都喜歡使用廣角鏡。這輯照片攝於西藏四川一帶 地區,廣角鏡能將藏式建築的特色和大漠風光的氣魄表現無遺。

廣角鏡容易令景物變形,所以須注意控制水平線,多加練習,便能得心應手。至於測 光,更要小心,須掌握準確,才能使受光位置不會曝光過度,而背光位置的細節仍清 晰可見。藏式建築的色彩斑爛,紅色尤其具有懾人的魅力,所以我喜歡利用紅色表現 照片的氣氛,在這輯照片裏可以看到一些例子。

Jimmy Chan F.R.P.S


When I was an actor in Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) Limited in the 70s, I was very much motivated by Mr Ho Fan, the famous movie director, and became interested in photography. In 1984 I started to get more involved in photography by taking lessons by Mr Mak Chu Fat, and joined the Hong Kong Miniature Camera Photography Society after two years (I was chairman from 2002 to 2006).

Realism is the style of my works, and I often use wide-angle lens for depiction of nature and villages. In 1988, I was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society and established a studio for wedding photography where I worked as photographer. Being actively involved in the field, I volunteered as photographer of the Hong Kong Ballet and consultant of a few communities’ photographic societies. At present I am consultant of Yuen Long Town Hall’s Evergreen Photographic Society, judge of International Slide Salon organized by the Hong Kong Colour Photo Art Club, and committee member of Tuen Mun Arts Promotion Association.

<About the photographs>

Whether I take photographs outdoors or indoors, I like to use wide-angle lens very often. This kind of lens can perfectly express the uniqueness of Zang-style architecture and the greatness of the landscape’s panoramic scenery in the photographs I took in Xizang and Sichuan regions.

As a wide-angle lens will easily distort an image, it is necessary to have control of the horizon, but “practice makes perfect” also applies if anyone wants to use it skillfully. As for light exposure, more care should be taken for accurate handling so that the part of image with most lighting will not be overexposed while details in the part with back lighting can still be seen. Zang-style architecture is very colourful; its red is especially charming. Therefore I am fond of using red for expression of the atmosphere, as seen in some of the photographs in this series.

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