脫曾立 . 秘書,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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脫曾立 . 秘書

脫曾立 . 秘書

William Tuet


服務港府消防處三十多年,涉獵攝影藝術也超過十多年光景。現在雖已退休,但仍全 情投入多份義務工作,閒來亦喜歡鑽研攝影技巧,到處旅遊拍照、接觸大自然。

我熱愛生活,所以喜歡觀察和思考周遭的生活環境,並對於生活中美好的片段有所感 悟。最近三年,承蒙攝影老師陳俊濠先生的悉心指導和鞭策,我在攝影方面有更高的 追求,於日常觀察、思考中,運用獨特的攝影眼光去捕捉完美的瞬間,更於2009年考 獲英國皇家攝影學會會士銜。


照片能帶給欣賞的人不同的觀感和反應,因此攝影能帶給我快樂!正因如此,我樂於 在這條創作的路上繼續前進,拍下不同之美景與大家分享!

香港這個大都會,雖然像個石屎森林,但是仍擁有不少以優美園林的立體空間介紹中 國文化、歷史、文學與藝術的公園。

就像這輯2011的展覽作品,便透過相機鏡頭,以不同的模式、角度、光源、線條及手法把這些以 傳統嶺南風貌為主題的中式公園,活現於照片中;令觀賞者感受到中國傳統嶺南庭院 的古雅氣息和閑情逸趣!

William Tuet A.R.P.S


It has been more than ten years since I have taken up photography as a hobby. After retiring from Hong Kong Fire Services where I had worked for more than thirty years, I have been actively involved in several volunteer assignments which I enjoy very much. Whenever I have free time, I like to travel to places where I can be close to nature and practise my photographic skills.

With a passion for life, I like to observe and ponder on our environment and I am often touched by life’s episodes. During the last three years I have been taught by Mr Jimmy Chan, whose unreserved instruction and encouragement has impelled me to advance further. Not only do I observe and ponder on things that happen around me, but I also try to capture the perfect moment with a photographic eye. In 2009 I was awarded Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society.

<About the photographs>

The feelings towards a particular photograph can vary a lot – ten people can have ten different views. This is why I enjoy photography so much. I am willing to keep on pursuing creativity in photography, to capture nature’s beauty for sharing with anyone who likes to see it.

Hong Kong, a cosmopolitan city, is not just a concrete jungle. There are quite a number of parks in which we can see beautiful spatial designs with elements of the Chinese culture, history, literature and art.

This series of photographs aim to depict the traditional Lingnan style of parks using various modes, angles, light sources, lines and other techniques, for conveying the classical elegance and relaxed atmosphere of a traditional Lingnan park.

上一篇:鄧贊禹 . 副會長
下一篇:黃觀益 . 司庫