蘇振顯 . 學術,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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蘇振顯 . 學術

蘇振顯 . 學術

Albert So

Academic Coordinator

年幼時跟家人往影樓拍攝家庭照片,已對攝影機產生濃厚興趣:一個木匣子,怎麼可 以把影像忠實紀錄下來?後來擁有自己的相機,對攝影的興趣也越來越濃厚。從拍攝 普通生活照片開始,漸漸追求攝影技巧,閱讀攝影書籍,參加攝影班,欣賞大師 作品,都令我對攝影越來越投入。後來參加香港小型機攝影會,有機會直接向大師 學習,令我得益不少。



在廣西聚居的少數民族很多,是拍攝民風民情的好地方。去年三月,我們應柳州旅遊局 邀請,到柳州市侗族的聚居地三江富祿參觀侗族「三月三」的花炮節。因交通非常 堵塞,到達目的地時已過中午,四周人山人海。我們受到貴賓式招待,可以直接進入河 灘上的表演場地,近距離參觀及拍攝侗族蘆笙音樂舞蹈表演,感受濃郁的民族風情。

第二天到侗族居住的地方遊覽,侗族人都是依山傍水居住,以農耕為生,每個鄉都有 別具特色、以木搭建的風雨橋及十幾層高的鼓樓,且已有上百年歷史,是非常珍貴的 古建築。

晚上參加侗族的百家宴,與幾百人一起進餐,席上每人都可以隨意轉移到別席進食。 主人家非常熱情地獻酒,待酒酣耳熱之後,主客一起手拖手跳舞,氣氛極為熱鬧,最 後主客都盡興而歸。

Albert So A.R.P.S

Academic Coordinator

My interest in photography began in my childhood when I went to a photographic studio with my family to have our portraits taken. I always wondered: How can a wooden box capture a realistic image? Later I had a camera of my own and became increasingly enthusiastic about this art. I started by taking photos of daily activities and gradually aspired to using more sophisticated photographic techniques. Moreover, by doing readings on photography, attending photography classes and appreciating masterpieces, I have become more devoted to this art. Later on, I joined the Hong Kong Miniature Camera Photography Society and had many opportunities to learn from the masters to improve my skills.

Photography is now an essential part of my life and enables my creative mind to soar high without limits to pursue the beauty of life.

<About the photographs>

The Province of Guanxi is inhabited by many different minorities. Our photography society was invited by the Travel Bureau of Liuzhou, Guanxi last March to visit Fulu of Sanjiang County, in the City of Liuzhou, where the Dong live. The main attraction there at that time was the Fireworks Festival on 3rd March. As the traffic was very busy, by the time we got there, it was already past midday, and there were people everywhere. Being the official guests, we could enter the venue on the beach where the music and dance performances were held, and we were free to go around for taking photographs.

On the next day, we visited the community of the Dong who like to live close to mountains and rivers, and are mainly farmers. The villages are famous for their wooden bridges with roofs as shelter from wind and rain, as well as the unique drum towers, which are precious historical architectural structures built more than a hundred years ago.

In the evening we attended a banquet of a hundred families where a few hundred people sat together for a feast. Everyone was free to move on to every other table to eat. The hosts were very friendly and kept toasting with the guests until the end of the feast when everyone joined hands and danced to their heart’s content.

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